söndag 30 januari 2011

I just have a simple question.

According to the statistics function in Blogger, 18 visits from the USA have been recorded. These visits have been via Internet Explorer, and the operative system has been Windows.

So my question is this: is it the same person that has been checking the blog, or is it several people?

If it is only one person, I can tell you that I won't post any more updates or pictures or anything of the sort in this blog. All of my blogging is now done in my new blog, which you don't seem to be checking out. This I find quite curious.


onsdag 5 januari 2011

Nytt bloggnamn / New blog name!

Jag valde att ändra namnet på denna blogg, för jag tyckte att det var för långt och krångligt. Bloggen heter numera filipvagner.blogspot.com där alla bilder som jag lagt upp finns kvar.

I chose to change the name of this blog, as I thought it was long and complicated. The blog is now called filipvagner.blogspot.com where you'll find all of the pictures as before.
